Skye and Jacob have a beautiful brown and white daughter called Jacuzzi. They show her all the things they love on the island because they want to share their secret with her. However Jacuzzi has other ideas. She wants to go to England and meet an organic sheep. But a disease is sweeping through the country and thousands of animals are being slaughtered. When Skye and Jacob decide to go and find Jacuzzi they become sheep on the run, fleeing from the disease and the fear it has created. For cars have their petrol stations and people have their inns but sheep have nowhere to shelter. And how will they ever find their daughter again?
To Skye with Love is the intriguing sequel to the much loved and internationally acclaimed A Sheep called Skye. The story of these two endearing sheep caught up in a conflict where love and fear tug at their wool is one which speaks to both adults and children alike.